Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The latest news is that LIDS has received a grant from the Health and Well-being Fund to make some podcasts on the themes of diet, exercise and stopping smoking.

We have started interviewing people in the area, including a doctor, people who 'Walk for Health' in Buille Hill Park (photos to follow) and people at the Tai Chi class.

The podcasts (or Bodcasts as they are now known) are being based on previous programmes we made for Salford Community Radio and which were broadcast all over Salford on weekends, occasionally over the last few years.

The new bodcasts will use humour as a way of getting the message across and will, hopefully, be very witty - and entertaining. There will also be a few songs, specially written for the occasion.

We're hoping to put the bodcasts on our web site (see Link in our Profile) and also distribute copies on CD.

Logging and blogging

Hello, everybody!
(Hi, Doctor Nick)

Greetings from the heart of Salford, jewel of the North.

This is Salford LIDS sending you all the best from us to you.

Keep in touch and we'll let you know what's happening.