Saturday, August 18, 2007

Moving on up

Students of a sort, and those who already learned mathematics, will know that '3' comes after '2'.
(No, no, pay attention. It will all become clear soon.)

So, we were talking about Bodcast 2 in the blog below and how to stop smoking, a few weeks have passed, and yippee da doo, because Bodcast 3 is ready.
(You weren't asleep were you? Perhaps after heavy exercise - the topic of Bodcast 1.)

Hmm, or too much to eat. Well, that's convenient, because No 3 is all about diet and nutrition.
It contains the latest hip and hop, news from the top, about what's good for you and what's not.
You can learn what foods go well and what don't.
You can hear what to get more of and what to cut out.
It's all good stuff, plus free as always, (as the Primary Care Trust has already paid).

Alternately, the podcast is available on a CD for people in the local area of Salford.
Email us if you want a copy, and we'll bang one out.

Believe us when we say it's all good.
Also, an immense relief as this particular project has been dragging on for quite a while, and there were times when it never seemed to be getting anywhere near a conclusion.
Huge sigh of satisfaction.
Job done.

One thing. We would, of course, be glad of comments.
Let us know what you think about the show, and, more important, whether you think the info was up-to-date and valid. It will help us sharpen up our act.
After all, there's more podcasts coming, and not all about health.

There's plenty of other topics out there, by gum.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Bodcast 2

You thought it was safe to get back in the ocean?
Don't you know there are sharks out there?

Anyway, we've done it (again).
LIDS HQ has been buzzing to the sound of comments and critiques, tapes shredding and sharp repostes, and now the CD has been issued and the bodcast has been launched.
As before, you can access it at the web site. Try this link here. (Yes, yes, tap it with your mouse, fellah.) You might learn something about stopping smoking - oh, didn't we mention that? That's the topic of Bodcast 2.

Meanwhile, LIDS'ers are off down the pub. No, nothing to celebrate. We've simply heard today that Salford CVS have turned down our new grant application. We wanted some small amount of money to do a small something about the run-down Inner City area of Ordsall. Silly us. We saw that it isn't all bad, and some residents have done a bang-up job of improving their gardens, planting their own flowers and fruit and growing their own food. We thought we could learn from them. How foolish! We imagined that other people might be interested to see what they were doing and might even decide to copy them. Foolish, indeed!

Of course, maybe if we had called it 'Ordsall in Bloom' we would have got the loot straightaway. (Everyone else has tried that catchphrase and done very well, up to now.) Trying to be a bit innovative is obviously a complete waste of time.

Back, I tells ya. Back - to the future!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

It's a Lottery

Good news from Lottery HQ, (which happens to be in Newcastle, don't ask why).

They've said that Salford LIDS can have a small grant to carry on with its work on podcasting, starting now, and continuing until March 2008.

Wow, that's fair enough.
It gives us quite a lot to do, but it's all good. The first few bodcasts are all about health and are coming to an end soon. Meanwhile, plenty of local people have expressed an interest in getting involved in making more recordings and putting them up on our site.

Looking forward to it, and keep an eye on the Blog. We'll keep you up to date with news and developments.
And when the 'casts are ready, you'll be able to follow the links.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cafe culture

Yep, we don't get our work done without a few cups of tea and hours in front of computer monitors.
Luckily it's easy to do, given the resources in the area we live in.

Ordsall has the benefit of the greatest little corner shop in the city.
Ordsall Community Cafe.
Get on down to Tatton Street and make use of the facilities.
Or -
Check out the link on the left.
And yes, they call it the 'OCC'.
Yep, one more sea than the OC.

How cool is that?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

LIDS goes vocal

Wow, it's been a hectic few months, but yes, we've done it.
The first podcast has been put together.

You can access it at our download site.
Click here.

Hope you enjoy the latest news and views from Salford, the heart of the 3rd Industrial Revolution.
Keep in touch and come back for more.